MHS Performance Design is a business consulting firm that focuses in the areas of performance-driven compensation and business succession planning in the small to medium size business market.

  • Equity Plans
  • Exit Strategies
  • Bonus Plans
  • Long-Term Incentive Plans
  • Deferred Compensation Plans
  • Phantom Stock Plans
  • Performance Unit Plans
  • Stock Plans
  • Split Dollar
  • Key Person Insurance
  • Corporate Owned Life Insurance
  • Buy/Sell Insurance

We also do something most other consultants don’t do – strategically blend compensation design with the wealth building objectives of both the business and its key people to help a company’s compensation plan produce a real economic return for the dollars invested. Most incentive compensation programs fail because employee’s don’t grasp their relationship to two key issues – the company’s strategic plans and the employee’s personal financial plans. This usually occurs because the programs are designed incorrectly (that is, it’s impossible to achieve the incentive compensation potential) or because they are poorly communicated, promoted or reinforced.
MHS Performance Design uses a unique process designed to make sure a compensation plan addresses both of these issues. Through this approach, we can effectively communicate and reinforce the company’s compensation programs to the employees. We provide tools for the organization’s key people to effectively integrate their compensation projections into a personal financial model.
Finally, we include a fully integrated Internet platform that communicated each piece of the compensation “pie” to the employees. It even gives them tools to project the current and future value of their compensation into a personal retirement profile. Company leadership can use this technology to regularly update employees on key issues involving the organization’s goals and strategic plans, and their impact on various compensation incentives. We know that the overall success of compensation is created through COMMUNICATION, COMPREHENSION AND FACILITATION.

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