Navigate Complex Options with Our Help

While people on average are living longer, chances are good that each of us will need some type of long-term care in our later years. Navigating the myriad options and sources of long-term care insurance can be a daunting prospect. What do they cover? When do they need to be acquired? How can estate assets best be protected?

While some standard health insurance policies will cover some long-term expenses, many have limits that are difficult to understand. Similarly, federal and state plans and requirements are complex and seem to change regularly.

  • Private Insurance Policies
  • Annuities
  • Medicaid & Medicare Options
  • Veterans Benefits
  • Personal Assistance
  • Home, Assisted Living & Nursing Home Options

MHS Companies Insurance Services will help to clearly and simply spell out your options. With your input we will perform an independent review of your existing policies and identify strategic options that fit your goals and are appropriate for your current stage of life and medical condition. Don’t be caught without appropriate provisions in your golden years.

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