We Work in Your Best Interest at All Times.

MHS Advisory Service, LLC fiduciaries are your trusted advisors held to the “fiduciary” standard of care.

According to Fi360, “Advisors held to the fiduciary standard must employ reasonable care to avoid misleading clients and must provide full and fair disclosure of all material facts to your clients and prospective clients.”

According to the SEC’s website, “this means that advisors held to the fiduciary standard have a fundamental obligation to act in the best interests of the clients and to provide investment advice in the clients’ best interests. Under fiduciary standard, advisors owe clients undivided loyalty and utmost good faith.” This is not so say an advisor held to the fiduciary standard is better or safer than another held to the suitability standard, but our duty is to provide:

  • Prudent selection and monitoring of plan investments and legal obligation to investigate the merits of any investments.
  • Prudent selection & monitoring of any advisor retained when expertise needed is not possessed.
  • Full disclosure of fees and expenses for all investments.

Our fiduciary responsibility helps ensure that your plan and advisors are selected and monitored with your best interest in mind.

Meet With Us to Get Started

*See https://www.law.cornell.edu/uscode/text/29/1104